Posted in simple obsession

Earth , wind and writers 

I close my eyes to rest my soul To shape what I can’t see 
The tiredness takes over me 

It shatters in to three 
My body it a vessel 

its a transport for this realm 
From lava lamps to sailing things 

To the ant upon the ground 
I close my eyes to rest my soul 

For a writer never thinks 
We live within the moment 

For the moments over when we blink 
The shadows fall upon us 

A deafening silence it will be 
An echo will be broken

From the falling of the tree 
Lightning strikes deep within me 

Like the waves breaking in the sea 
We look to the sky’s and wonder 

As the comets rocket by , you and me 
A shower of the planets 

A walk within the sand 
We love the world we live in 

Let’s take it by the hand 

Posted in air, all, alone, angel, author, blessed, blessing, blog, blogs, book, books, candles, creative, creative writing, crying, darkness, daydreams, death, deep, depression, emotion, emotional, expression, faithful, falling, family, life, lost feelings, lost memories, love, loved ones, peace, poems, poetry, poets, sadness, simple obsession, Simple obsession Creative writing, sky, spirits, spiritual, thoughts, writer, writers, writing, writing | Categories: Art Analysis

Missing you 

Knowing your heart was broken You’ve taken your last breath 

Never seen the love you leaving  

Cause you wear it on your chest 
The days are short and cold now

Your heat is in the air 

The sun is softly setting 

Just knowing your not there 
The wave of silence quicken 

The dark turns in to light 

Peacefulness is falling 

As your wings take you to flight 
The shadows of an angel 

The feathers of your wings 

Seeing you are sawing 

To feel you dancing in the winds 
Your spirit everlasting 

The words you shared do shake 

To see the life you gave us 

See our love you love you take 


Posted in all, alone, angel, author, believe, blessed, blessing, blog, blogs, book, books, candles, creative, creative writing, crying, darkness, dead, death, deep, depression, emotion, emotional, expression, family, feel, friends, friendship, hero, hero's, life, lost feelings, lost memories, loved ones, novel, peace, poems, poetry, poets, pondering, reflections, sadness, shadows, short stories, short tales, simple obsession, Simple obsession Creative writing, spirits, spiritual, stories, story, tales, thankful, thoughts, whispers, writer, writers, writing, writing | Categories: Art Analysis

Sailor in a bottle

Looking in the bottle , to the ship that’s trapped in time .  Wondering if you will visit , to see us from time to time .  
A navy man to whisper , the man with the biggest heart 

Knowing your not with us , it’s breaking all our hearts 
Your a man who was regimental , a man who had seen the world . 

Your a story for the generations , the navy man for the world . 
You’ve been to exotic places , you’ve been around the world .  

You’ve been a friend and brother , a gentleman in the world 
Your at peace now your in heaven , or back aboard the ship . 

Traveling round the waters , or sat eating your fish and chips . 
The love you gave was warming , but now your flame gone out . 

Now nana will be there to greet you , and give you a northern clout 
We are all eternally grateful , for we had you in all our lives . 

The biggest voice and biggest heart , that we will miss for all our lives 

Posted in alive, all, alone, angel, author, awake, blessed, blessing, book, books, candles, crying, darkness, death, deep, depression, emotion, emotional, expression, eyes, faithful, family, feel, her, holding hands, life, longing, lost feelings, lost memories, love, loved ones, novel, poems, poetry, poets, sadness, sense, shadows, short tales, simple obsession, Simple obsession Creative writing, thought, thoughts, trees, whispers, writers, writing, writing | Categories: Art Analysis, your

Mother of a loving heart 

Looking out the window , as a tear rolled down there face .They are thinking of there mother , who no longer roams this place . 
Happiness and sorrow , and memories that they had .

Wishing she could whisper , or even hold there hand . 
The orchids they do blossom , and the trees they do bloom 

In there world it’s been just four years , but there tears still show there gloom
On that day of passing , there hearts they did break 

Even healing and time passing , there tears still do shake 
But in there time of sorrow , the love they have unite . 

They light the candle to shine out , and there love will be so bright .
She will look down and smile , as each candle catches sight .

Knowing her family are loving , with each heart she holds on tight 
Proud of the knowing , as her kids they have grown 

Each kids has had her grandkids , and her loving heart it still grows 
The mother she is looking and watching , as they grow 

She will hold the hand and kisses there cheek so there loving hearts will show 
We miss you smile , we miss you laugh , the way you told us off 

Always in our minds , hearts and soul , our mother of loving hearts 

Posted in simple obsession

Untold storie of Christmas 

That time is nearly upon us and the stories will be told , of how a jolly fat man will travel true and bold . This is an adventure or is it true to see , of how one man can sail the earth for you and me . The tale starts with one boy and a dream that will be , a shooting star will bless him for all eternity . 
The date is unknown the time is neither here or there , the scene is set in one house where the day is crisp and blue . One loving mother sat down in her house with nothing to do , the fire is cooking the rabbit and the veg is in the pot . The smell of dirt and cinders fills the room with rot , she sits on a blanket and cradled her stomach as she cooks . In the room there not much in it just a fireplace and a bed , a table made of a log pile and a little wooden chest . Over in the corner there is a pile of little sticks , the making of a basket or a cradle made to fit . The half worked baby bed lays there not complete , as the mother spends her daytime hunting for her eats . The days are filled with house chores or relaxing as she may , for the one who would become her saviour and would be born for that day . Each day would be forgotten and the basket was complete , but filling her time from hunting she would scavenge in the woods . Gathering herbs and mushrooms and wild fruit as she walked , her due date was come as she waddled to gather food to hold . 

The seasons set for changing , the chill it filled the air . A crisp frost it thickens and is laying everywhere , each day was getting colder and the woods would be becoming still . That day that she was hoping was just over the hill . She laid in her bed to rest up , as uncomfortable as it would seem , for a few hours of sleeping or some rest so it seemed . A few hours had shot passed and the time would fade away , when light would creep in side the hour to stir he to the day . She sat up and looked at the fire the embers burning red , the flames where dancing in the wind and warm up her bed . The sun was slowly rising and as she stood to walk to the door , but as she took her first step her waters hit the floor . She turn and held the head rest and the contractions came in fast , the baby wanted her loving arms as she pushed the baby passed . Each time the contraction would cripple , but with the love that’s in her heart . The loving warmth it was feeling as she cradled it in her arms , she gazed at it and smiled . A little boy she had , the sweetest little crackle as she wiped her tears down of his head . The baby clean and feed now and she cleaned up all the mess , her little boy was crying in the cradle , his own nest . 

Each day was a struggle as her chores needed to be done , no name for her baby as she contemplated or more then one . A week had slowly shot past and the name was still not set , she looked at the stars and pondered as he rested on her chest and neck . As he slept he twitches and tickled and she giggled as he did , a name would come to her eyes as she call him her sweet nick . 

The days and years they crept past and the seasons they all changed , for many time she whispered I would never have it any other way . With age there came her illness and by the time that he was 10 , she was too ill to care for him and his story would just begin . The illness was slowly taking her breath there as she laid , she looked at the boy of 10 years and wiped the tears from his face away . Each breath was slowly driven and the shaking was a quake , as she softly whispered to her boy of mourning . ” your my saint , my love , my nick ” . He placed his head in her hands and then she pulled him in real tight , he could hear her heart beat quicken as her body gave up the fight . Her last breath was a soft one as her hands fell to her side , her eyes slowly glazed and her chest became still . ” mother , mother ” . A tear gently kissed his cheek and drop off his chin , one lonely tear for all the love he brings . His cheeks went from Rosie to a pale shade of red , as he sat there next to his mother laying in her bed . 

An hour it went past and the boy never moved even the neighbours came to see and sooth . Her spirit was now taken and her Vessel her was left , as the priest came to pray and place a cross there on her chest . The funeral was peaceful as the family came and went , the boy left to see in his life with an empty bed . The nights was long and lonely and the darkest times for him , as with a fire crackles and warms up the toy making begins . Each day began a new toy , the collection had begun . The day job was now calling , the wood won’t fashion it’s self . The toys don’t make the people , as he worked just like an elf . One night the sky was shining , been a year since she had gone . A shooting star was call , for he was the chosen one . A boy with imagination , true to the core . The one with sadness still warming , a willing to give out more . The boy wished and wondered , as the light was shining bright . A little kiss from heaven , as the boy grew over night . A childhood of poverty , now years of getting by . A silver beard was growing , as the world would feel his wealth . 

A few years has flown past , the boy was now a man . A women he was courting , as he worked she held his hand . They wanted to have a family , the wanted to see the world . That night once again had came round , and he still wanted to see his mum . Waking from a nightmare , as he was swollen in the tum . The snow was softly falling , and laying on the trees . The woodland creature calling , as the flakes fell on to thee . The man stood at his doorway , with his wife and food for three . No winter callers coming , as the snow laid thick and fast . The whiteness was is all over , it even covered up the glass . 

Nick’s birthday was now coming , but he never wanted gift . He want to something special , he wanted to give out his birthday wish . For a year he worked and fashioned , and made a sack of toys . His birthday was upon him , and that day had finally . For when he went calling , be never saw no one . Each door he went to visit , there was no one there inside . He left a gift and letter , for whoever may be inside . The night was long and tiresome , but he never felt like that . A world of wealth and sadness , but not for that night . The spread of joy and happiness , not wealth for all tonight . The gifts and letter would ponder , they would collect inside the mind . Who is the one that was calling , Nickolas Claus will be tonight . On this his birthday , he spreads gifts for all tonight . 

Posted in simple obsession

Missing the moments 

You take our hand and lift us , we are floating inside the clouds Dancing in our dreamland , with our feet still on the ground 

Your whispers are a blessing , with the softness of your voice 

We chase the day you left us , but not able to have choice 
We wonder along the valleys , and climb the steepest hills 

Have a drink in the meadows , for the time we must now fill 

Your visit are the briefest , just a blink of an eye 

We remember the day you was taken , for our tear just will not dry 
You hands are slowly fading , the clouds begin to part 

The aching slowly growing , as our heart beats will start 

The breeze softly building , and is pulling us away 

Your hand is nearly gone now , but you love is here to stay 

Posted in simple obsession

Our day 

My nerves are slowly erupting The excitement is too much 

I can’t wait to hear you saying 

Your vows and feel your touch 
This day has quietly crept up 

Now it’s finally here 

The day to celibate now 

Now let’s toast and spread some cheer 
This day it shall be ours 

This day Is just for us 

This day is love and flowers 

This day it means so much 
For the time is passing quicker 

The minute are now in time 

The chorus and the verses 

The blessings written in rhyme 
The suits are nicely waiting 

The dress is in the wind 

The makeup and the haircuts 

As the wedding party sings 
Your my world , my love , my soulmate 

Your the laughter in the winds 

Your the tears I have in waiting 

For when I see your wedding dress swishing 

Posted in simple obsession

In the light 

In the light 
The day was cold , and there was a chill in the air . Andre woke in the soft light of the sun trickling through the gap in the curtains , as the sun crept up the warm sheets and on to Andre’s face he started to stir . His day is set in stone as the day he has to say good bye , the day he would change lives forever , he would replay over and over again in his mind . As Andre sat up in his bed a lonesome tear would tingle it’s way over the crest of his nose and drop of the tip . As the sun burned through the undrawn curtains and the alarm clock started to go off Andre knew that his day had well and truly begun . As he hit the alarm clock to stop the repetitive chime of bells , the overwhelming feeling of sorrow and regret took over his whole body . He stood and started the lonesome walk to the shower , for he needed to get ready and get to the cemetery 

As Andre was ready for the funeral , the worse was yet to come . He headed over to the window to look for the hurst but the road was clear . Andre places one hand on the glass window , looking and hoping that this day was a dream . The longer he was waiting the more he could remember the day of passing , but as the tears welled up in the corner of his eyes he knew that it wasn’t over . A few minutes passed and the hurst pulled around the corner of the street and he could see the casket in the back , all the flower round and the reef that he had made placed on the top . Andre found himself caught up in lasting memories until he heard a knocking at his door . He turned and walked down the corridor to the front door , but with ever step and every picture he past his heart stopped and the tears ran down his face.

As he reached forward to open the door , Andres fell to his knees . The smell of the his coat as he fell reminded him some more . 

” I can’t do this ” Andre said with a quiver in his voice , but he knew he had to . He reach in to the top pocket of his blazer and pulled out a tissue , but as he pulled out the tissue he felt something else in the pocket too . Andre reached in to the pocket and pulled out a token for a fairground , the token was plastic but with the picture of three doves on it . He clutched the token in his hand as tight as he could , and with the other hand he wiped the tears away with the tissue and reached out for the door handle once again.

Andres hand softly placed on the handle and gripped to turn it to hear the locks clicking . As the door slowly swung open he could see the bonnet of the black hurst parked out side his house . “I can’t do it , I can’t do . I have failed him and failed my wife ” . The door opened and he started his Lonely walk to the hurst . ” why , why do I have to do this ” . The tears fell down his face like a thousand beads of love raining down his face . “sir , are you ready” Andre looked up to the man stood at his gate . “sir it’s time , I have the letter you gave me and I have prepared everything you have asked for “. Andre liked up and held his head high “ok . Thank you “. He took each step toward the hurst with a deep breath , but once the tiny casket came in to view he held his breath . For each pull on his lungs would choke back the tears , and the longer he held his breath the more he knew that the love that he has for his son was overwhelming and the avalanche of tears and memories would play out in every tear that . Andre knew that this day would be hard but the sight of the tiny wooden box that would be the last bed for this son would send his emotions in overdrive . 
Clutching on to the token and the letter given to him and the memories placed in to his mind Andre knew it was time . ” sir are you ready , the hour is upon us ” . Andre bowed his head and walked over to the hurst and opened the door ” I’m ready ” 
The car started it slow journey towards the cemetery , Andre open the letter he wrote only a few weeks earlier 
” dear son ”
Your the light I hold , the days I breath 

My shining star , my northern light 

You hold me close , you help me see 

You are my beginning , I love you till the very end 

Your hand they captured my heart , form a world of dark 

I would travel the Galaxy to see you smile 
Son I might not of been there much but I would sell my all to be able to see you grow , to share your birthdays with you and to be there for every heart break you will have . Love is a fickle word in which is said in every day life but to be able to hold you in my arms and look in to your blue eyes is love enough for my weak heart . I can not even start to explain just how proud I am and how much of a fighter you are . You might of been sick from a young age and your body might of been weak , but with each day that past you showed me just how to live , taking each second and doubling the time we spent together . I love the way you woke me up each day with those soft word “I love you daddy ” . 
The hurst pulled up at the cemetery and stopped at the door of the church . The doors opened to the car and the church bells rang . Andre knew what he had to do , he walk to the back of the hurst and was accompanied by three other men . Andre and his three brother softly pulled the casket out the hurst and lifted the light wooded box to there shoulders and inter locked there arms . The brothers took a deep breath and Andre said in a soft voice ” 1,2,3 ” , with out prompting the brothers walk the casket towards the church . As they got near to the church Andre could see all the friends and family sat in the stools waiting , the sound of tears , cries and family morning flooded out the doors . The brother banded together and lowered the casket down to waist height , but before they entered the church each brother looked at Andre and said ” we love you bro and we love Leon , this is his life we are celebrating . What we are holding now is the biggest heart in our lives and we will miss him greatly and we will live our lives for him in the way he told us too ” 

As they brought in the tiny casket every one in the room stood and held up a wooden train . These train were his favourite toys , the brother walked the casket over to the altar and placed it down . Andre could not leave Leon’s side but the brother went and sat with there own families, Andre placed his hand on the cold wood and lent over and placed a kiss on the brass name plate . “I love you son , please give mummy a kiss from both of us ” . Andre looked at all the familiar faces I front of him , who all in turn held the trains up as high as they could . Andre could not hold back his grief much more , and as the giant wooden doors closed and the priest walk to the front of the hall the sound of kids laughing and the song that both Andre and Leon had made was played over the speaker . The song that was made for fun by them was the best thing that they did in the last few days of Leon’s life . The song was not in tune or even in time but it was about all the fun and happiness that the two have had . 

The song played its last verse and the congratulation sat in there seats , Andre looked at the tiny box and fell to the floor , the sound of tears and cries filled the air . A little girl in the back of the room got up and went over to Andre and placed her hand on his shoulder and said ” he is my best friend , he is all of our best friend ” . Andre looked to the girl who was in his class at school , ” sir do you remember this head band ” . Andre wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at the head band ,” is that the one that Leon won at the fair ” . The girl replied with a smile on her face ” yes sir he did , he said to me that his daddy won it in a wrestling match , for him to give to me ” 

Andre smiled and the girl took his hand and helped him up and walked him over to his seat , the girl in turn walked back to her parents and sat down . A deep silence fell in the room and the priest walked over to the casket , he started the ceremony with a prayer and then opened with a speech about the boy and his life . Then came Andre’s turn to talk about Leon , but he was frozen looking and the altar. The priest walked over to him and got down on one knee and whispered in his ear ” it’s ok if you want I can do the reading ” . Andre looked at him and shock his head ” it’s ok father I will do it ” . The priest and Andre walked over to the coffin and said a prayer together and Andre then started to read the letter he had wrote 


“In your short life you have taught me so much and loved me so much , a love that I will be forever in your debt with as you may of had a short life but each day you showed me something I will spend the rest of my life with out ” Andre looked in to the room and said ” I’m sorry if I make no sense ” . He looked back at the letter and tears welled up in his eyes , ” I could not fight this fight for you , but you showed me how to be a fighter . The year that you was sick you amazed me with how much fight you had in your tiny body , you got up each day and did your daily routine straight in to my room to wake me up and then getting breakfast and we watched what ever you wanted on the TV . I think back to all them days we spent playing with your trains ” Andre stopped and reach in to his blazer and pulled out Leon’s favourite train . He took a deep breath and looked deeply and the train and could help but feel his legs go weak and the words would escape him as turned and places the train on the brass name plate . ” Leon this is your and I hope it finds its way to you as I want to play trains when it’s my time , but I know that mummy will play trains with you till I’m there . I love you ” . Andre wiped the tears away and lent down and kisses the train and the casket ” Leon I love you so much and you will always be my beautiful angel . 

The priest said one last prayer and then called his class mates up to give there gifts . As each child in time passed the priest the placed a letter or a picture or a toy into a box that Andre and Leon had made together . As the kids left the room each person walked over to the little decorated coffin and placed the train they had on to the top and said a few words . Andre waited for the last person to place there gifts and then looked at the tiny box covered in gifts and letter and pictures and he felt a slight comfort as he knew that his son was loved by so many . Andre started the walk to the back of the room to where his brother are waiting when he heard the curtains closing , and looked back at the coffin . The tear fell from his face in a cascade of love pouring from his soul , the air was sucked form his body and his legs no longer want to leave as they buckled underneath him and he fell to the on to one of the stools . One of the brothers saw as he fell and ran to his side ” brother I’m here , we are here ” . Andre could not move or breath as he was about to leave the sweetest little boy in his life , there alone . 
” I want my boy back , I want my boy . Leon daddy loves you , daddy loves ” . Andre could no talk as every time he blinked , he would see Leon looking back at him and smiling and whispering , ” I love my daddy so much ” 

Posted in simple obsession

Loves moon 

The sunlight always lingers , as the light kisses your chest The softest beautiful bosom , that blossom I undress 

You neckline I will venture , that softest little crease 

My lips will hold the power , as I place a kiss here on your cheek 
The sunlight slowly dipping , and the lights are turned down low 

The little whisper of cracking , as the fire embers glow 

The wine is slightly sweating , in the glass next to the fireplace 

That taste will be everlasting , as cupid holds our place 
Those kisses we are exchanging , is money for our love 

That’s gold and diamond encrusted , and you wear just like a glove 

Our heart will beat together , as our toes they slowly meet 

A little dance together , as we hold down to our feet 
My finger they are shaking , I tremble in the wind 

My lips are always longing , to kiss you as the Angel sing 

I want to share my last breath , I want to live through the night 

I want to taste your sweetness , I want it to last all life 
To feel you playing with me , to hold me in the warmth of your hand 

I love the way I tremble , as I’m putty in loves modelling plans 

The sweetness of your Kisses , the juices of our lust 

I want to caress your body , I’m your for you can bust   


Posted in simple obsession

Chocolate lovers

Your scent it always lingers That taste is in the air 

The sweetest softest odour 

That makes me tingles everywhere 
I see you looking at me 

I want to taste you now 

My tongue it want your sweetness 

I want you here and now 
I can not stop the excitement 

Shall not go with out 

I want to hear my body 

As i caress you till I shout 
My warmth is all your needing 

For I want to feel you melt 

I want to taste you candy 

As you melt deep within my mouth 
I know that it will not last long 

I know I can’t do with out 

I want to feel you in me 

Oh how I love to long it out 
You love is ever lasting 

You love it can be bought 

You love is in my wet dreams 

You love it stains my thoughts 
lovers we will be forever 

Like Shakespeare in the wind 

I long to feel you inside me 

Oh and dripping off my chin 
I will not waste a moment 

It’s just you and me to see 

I love you sugary candy

From my head down to my feet 
Oh chocolate you have won another 

You got me to fall in love 

You wear my heart forever 

I love you , my bar of choco love 
