Posted in books, creative writing, daydreams, fun, letters, nature working, never land, novels, play, poems, poetry, poets, shapes, sleep, sounds, things, words, work, writers, writing

Work of the words

The work of the poet is never ending
Ideas and thoughts never end
The pen hits the paper and it never quits
Its tearing up words and it stirs you up a little bit
Words are now flowing like water or wine
Theses words are all in my mind
The words can be the neatest of things
Or as dirty as your minds own bin
Each word has it own meaning as together have power
To big you up or tear you down
Its up to the poet to find there own way
The power of words will lead your way
It could be a nightmare that start that new thought
The word will reflect the fears you were taught
Daydreams are better for they can be short but have the power to alter your thoughts
For the poet the word are not easy to escape
They hunt you down and make your pen shake
The work of the words is never really done
Even when you sleep word are still number one