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Bed blues

You get into bed , but your feeling to hot
You kick of the sheets , and take off your socks

You hang out one leg and out goes the other
You toss and turn , saying why do I bother

You lay and rest but all for not
You pull up the sheet and give it another shot

You lay and wait for the bed time blues
The heat has got you and it wont let you choose

One last thing , for you can not rest
You strip off your shirt and do it bare chest

The heat it wilts you and torment your mind 
I’m sleeping in lava or so i feel inside

Then you remember for there’s one last trick
Flipping the pillow so my head wont stick

Now my heads cold I’m falling asleep
Sweet little nothing as im counting the sheep


im just starting on my writing journey still finding my ground hoping to get noticed in the writing world

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